Nuestro conocimiento compartido. Nuestro tesoro compartido. Wikipedia.
Permalink: 01/02/2011


1 2 /**3  * Note: how to use to fix the lambda, normalize headers map just at4  * the begining of the handler function:5  * 6  * normalizeHeadersMap(event.headers);7 */8 9 10 // Code start11 12 /**13  * Retun normalized header, for example:14  * x-Forwarded-FOR -> X-Forwarded-For15  * content-type -> Content-Type16  * API-KEY -> Api-Key17  */18 function normalizeHeader(header) {19  var h = header.toLowerCase();20  var parts = h.split('-');21  22  parts = parts.filter(function(p) {23  return p.length > 0;24  });25  26  parts =;27  28  return parts.join('-');29 }30 31 function normalizeHeadersMap(m) {32  var r = {};33  for (var k in m) {34  var v = m[k];35  var n = normalizeHeader(k); 36  m[n] = v;37  r[n] = v;38  } 39  return r;40 }41 42 /**43  * First letter uppercase and the rest lowercase44  */45 function capitalize(s){46  return s && s[0].toUpperCase() + s.slice(1).toLowerCase();47 }48 49 // Code end50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 // Tests start58 59 var tests = [];60 61 tests.push(function test_normalize_header() {62  63  var cases = {};64  cases['api-key'] = 'Api-Key';65  cases['X-My--Custom-Field'] = 'X-My-Custom-Field';66  cases['x-Forwarded-FOR'] = 'X-Forwarded-For';67  cases['Content-Type'] = 'Content-Type';68  69  for (var input in cases) {70  var output = normalizeHeader(input);71  var expected = cases[input];72  73  if (output != expected) {74  console.log('Normalized input for "' + input + '" should be "' + expected + '"');75  return false;76  };77  }78  79  return true;80 });81 82 tests.push(function test_capitalize() {83  84  var cases = {};85  cases[''] = '';86  cases['h'] = 'H';87  cases['ZETA'] = 'Zeta';88  cases['blabla'] = 'Blabla';89  cases['sEvErAl_CaSES'] = 'Several_cases';90  91  for (var input in cases) {92  var output = capitalize(input);93  var expected = cases[input];94  95  if (output != expected) {96  console.log('Capitalized input for "' + input + '" should be "' + expected + '"');97  return false;98  };99  }100  101  return true;102 });103 104 tests.push(function test_headers_map() {105  106  var headers = {};107  headers['content-type'] = 'application/json; utf-8';108  headers['API-KEY'] = '54849df48ds';109  headers['ZETA'] = '8uh8uh8uh';110  headers['x-forwarded-for'] = ',';111 112  var output = normalizeHeadersMap(headers);113  var expected = {};114  expected['Content-Type'] = 'application/json; utf-8';115  expected['Api-Key'] = '54849df48ds';116  expected['Zeta'] = '8uh8uh8uh';117  expected['X-Forwarded-For'] = ',';118  119  if (JSON.stringify(output) != JSON.stringify(expected)) {120  console.log('Expected', expected , 'obtained', output);121  return false;122  };123  124  return true;125 });126 127 tests.push(function test_headers_map_reference() {128  129  var headers = {};130  headers['API-KEY'] = '54849df48ds';131 132  normalizeHeadersMap(headers);133  134  var expected = {};135  expected['API-KEY'] = '54849df48ds';136  expected['Api-Key'] = '54849df48ds';137  138  if (JSON.stringify(expected) != JSON.stringify(headers)) {139  console.log('Expected', expected , 'obtained', headers);140  return false;141  };142  143  return true;144 });145 146 // Tests end147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 // Test runner156 157 runTests(tests);158 159 function runTests(l) {160 {161  if (false === test()) {162  console.log('FAIL:' +;163  return;164  } else {165  console.log('OK: ' +;166  }167  });168  console.log('PASS');169 }170 
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