Nuestro conocimiento compartido. Nuestro tesoro compartido. Wikipedia.
Permalink: 01/02/2011


1 /***********************************************************************2 (c) Copyright 2014 Telefónica I+D. Printed in Spain (Europe). All Rights3 Reserved.4 5 The copyright to the software program(s) is property of Telefónica I+D.6 The program(s) may be used and or copied only with the express written7 consent of Telefónica I+D or in accordance with the terms and conditions8 stipulated in the agreement/contract under which the program(s) have9 been supplied.10 ************************************************************************/11 12 /* component Jedi */13 [component="Jedi"] .bracket-open {14  display: inline;15 }16 17 [component="Jedi"] .bracket-close {18  display: inline;19 }20 21 [component="Jedi"] .bracket-collapsed .content [component="JediKeyValue"] {22  padding-left: 0;23  display: inline;24 }25 26 [component="Jedi"] .bracket-collapsed .content {27  display: inline;28 }29 30 31 /* component JediArray */32 [component="JediArray"] {33  font-family: monospace;34 }35 36 [component="JediArray"]:before {37  display: block;38 }39 40 [component="JediArray"]:after {41  display: block;42 }43 44 /* component JediDocument */45 [component="JediDocument"] {46  font-family: monospace;47 }48 49 /* component JediString */50 [component="JediString"] {}51 52 [component="JediString"]:before,53 [component="JediString"]:after {54  display: inline-block;55  content: '"';56 }57 58 /* component JediNumber */59 [component="JediNumber"] {}60 61 /* component JediBoolean */62 [component="JediBoolean"] {63 }64 65 /* component JediNull */66 [component="JediNull"] {67 }68 69 /* component JediUndefined */70 [component="JediUndefined"] {71 }72 73 /* component JediId */74 [component="JediId"] {75  color: orange;76 }77 78 /* component JediKeyValue */79 [component="JediKeyValue"] {80  padding-left: 2em;81  overflow: hidden;82 }83 84 [component="JediKeyValue"] > .key {85  display: inline;86 }87 88 [component="JediKeyValue"] > .value {89  display: inline;90 }91 92 [component="JediKeyValue"] > .value:after {93  display: inline;94  content: ', ';95 }96 97 [component="JediKeyValue"]:last-child > .value:after {98  content: '';99 }100 101 [component="JediKeyValue"] > .key:after {102  content: ':';103  padding-right: 4px;104 }105 106 107 /******************************************************************* inlining */108 [component="JediString"],109 [component="JediId"],110 [component="JediNumber"],111 [component="JediBoolean"],112 [component="JediNull"],113 [component="JediUndefined"],114 [component="JediDocument"],115 [component="JediArray"] {116  display: inline;117 }118 119 120 /******************************************************************* colors */121 122 /* Dark color: */123 [component="Jedi"] .bracket-open,124 [component="Jedi"] .bracket-close,125 [component="Jedi"] [component="JediKeyValue"] > .key:after,126 [component="Jedi"] [component="JediId"] span {127  color: #303942;128 }129 130 [component="Jedi"] .bracket-open:hover,131 [component="Jedi"] .bracket-close:hover {132  cursor: pointer;133  font-weight: bold;134 }135 136 /* Keys color: */137 [component="JediKeyValue"] > .key {138  color: #881391;139 }140 141 /* bools and numbers*/142 [component="JediBoolean"],143 [component="JediNumber"] {144  color: #1c00cf;145 }146 147 /* strings color: */148 [component="JediString"] {149  color: #c41a16;150 }151 
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