Nuestro conocimiento compartido. Nuestro tesoro compartido. Wikipedia.
Permalink: 01/02/2011


1 //2 // Set height of contentPanel3 //4 var y = y-196-50;5 var panel=document.getElementById('contentPanel');6 = y + 'px';7 //8 //9 // Set visibility of child elements in contentPanel10 //11 function findPosY(obj) // Get full top offset12 {13  var curtop = 0;14  if (obj.offsetParent)15  {16  while (obj.offsetParent)17  {18  curtop += obj.offsetTop19  obj = obj.offsetParent;20  }21  }22  else if (obj.y)23  curtop += obj.y;24  return curtop;25 }26 function setVisibility(node, y, panel) {27  var children=node.childNodes;28  for (var i=0; i < children.length; i++) {29  if (children[i].className && (children[i].className == 'toggle' || children[i]'toggle'))) {30  var top=findPosY(children[i])31  var height = children[i].offsetHeight;32  var panelTop = findPosY(panel);33  //alert("<strong class="highlight">offsetTop</strong> = " + top + " <strong class="highlight">offsetHeight</strong> = " + height);34  if ( (top+height) > (y+panelTop) )35  children[i].style.visibility = 'hidden';36  else37  children[i].style.visibility = 'visible';38  }39  else40  setVisibility(children[i], y, panel);41  }42 }43 if (panel.className == 'noScroll') {44 = 'hidden';45  setVisibility(panel, y, panel);46 }

Este ShareCode tiene versiones:
  1. Cargando...... (24/04/2013)
  2. Cargando...... (24/04/2013)
  3. Cargando...... (24/04/2013)
  4. Cargando...... (24/04/2013)
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