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Permalink: 01/02/2011


1 /*2 3  File: main.js4 5  Abstract: JavaScript file for TicTacToe sample.6 7  8 9  Version: 1.010 11  12 13  Disclaimer: IMPORTANT: This Apple software is supplied to you by 14 15  Apple Inc. ("Apple") in consideration of your agreement to the16 17  following terms, and your use, installation, modification or18 19  redistribution of this Apple software constitutes acceptance of these20 21  terms. If you do not agree with these terms, please do not use,22 23  install, modify or redistribute this Apple software.24 25  26 27  In consideration of your agreement to abide by the following terms, and28 29  subject to these terms, Apple grants you a personal, non-exclusive30 31  license, under Apple's copyrights in this original Apple software (the32 33  "Apple Software"), to use, reproduce, modify and redistribute the Apple34 35  Software, with or without modifications, in source and/or binary forms;36 37  provided that if you redistribute the Apple Software in its entirety and38 39  without modifications, you must retain this notice and the following40 41  text and disclaimers in all such redistributions of the Apple Software. 42 43  Neither the name, trademarks, service marks or logos of Apple Inc. 44 45  may be used to endorse or promote products derived from the Apple46 47  Software without specific prior written permission from Apple. Except48 49  as expressly stated in this notice, no other rights or licenses, express50 51  or implied, are granted by Apple herein, including but not limited to52 53  any patent rights that may be infringed by your derivative works or by54 55  other works in which the Apple Software may be incorporated.56 57  58 59  The Apple Software is provided by Apple on an "AS IS" basis. APPLE60 61  MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION62 63  THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF NON-INFRINGEMENT, MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS64 65  FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, REGARDING THE APPLE SOFTWARE OR ITS USE AND66 67  OPERATION ALONE OR IN COMBINATION WITH YOUR PRODUCTS.68 69  70 71  IN NO EVENT SHALL APPLE BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL72 73  OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF74 75  SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS76 77  INTERRUPTION) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE, REPRODUCTION,78 79  MODIFICATION AND/OR DISTRIBUTION OF THE APPLE SOFTWARE, HOWEVER CAUSED80 81  AND WHETHER UNDER THEORY OF CONTRACT, TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE),82 83  STRICT LIABILITY OR OTHERWISE, EVEN IF APPLE HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE84 85  POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE.86 87  88 89  Copyright (C) 2010 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved.90 91 */92 93  94 95 /***************************************/96 97 /* intial setup */98 99 /***************************************/100 101 var board = new Array(9);102 103  104 105 function init() {106 107  /* use touch events if they're supported, otherwise use mouse events */108 109  var down = "mousedown"; var up = "mouseup"; 110 111  if ('createTouch' in document) { down = "touchstart"; up ="touchend"; }112 113  114 115  /* add event listeners */116 117  document.querySelector("input.button").addEventListener(up, newGame, false);118 119  var squares = document.getElementsByTagName("td");120 121  for (var s = 0; s < squares.length; s++) {122 123  squares[s].addEventListener(down, function(evt){squareSelected(evt, getCurrentPlayer());}, false);124 125  }126 127  128 129  /* create the board and set the initial player */130 131  createBoard();132 133  setInitialPlayer();134 135 }136 137  138 139  140 141 /****************************************************************************************/142 143 /* creating or restoring a game board, adding Xs and Os to the board, saving game state */144 145 /****************************************************************************************/146 147 function createBoard() {148 149  150 151  /* create a board from the stored version, if a stored version exists */152 153  if (window.localStorage && localStorage.getItem('tic-tac-toe-board')) {154 155  156 157  /* parse the string that represents our playing board to an array */158 159  board = (JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('tic-tac-toe-board')));160 161  for (var i = 0; i < board.length; i++) {162 163  if (board[i] != "") {164 165  fillSquareWithMarker(document.getElementById(i), board[i]);166 167  }168 169  }170 171  }172 173  /* otherwise, create a clean board */174 175  else { 176 177  for (var i = 0; i < board.length; i++) {178 179  board[i] = ""; 180 181  document.getElementById(i).innerHTML = "";182 183  }184 185  }186 187 }188 189  190 191 /*** call this function whenever a square is clicked or tapped ***/192 193 function squareSelected(evt, currentPlayer) {194 195  var square =;196 197  /* check to see if the square already contains an X or O marker */198 199  if (square.className.match(/marker/)) {200 201  alert("Sorry, that space is taken! Please choose another square.");202 203  return;204 205  }206 207  /* if not already marked, mark the square, update the array that tracks our board, check for a winner, and switch players */208 209  else {210 211  fillSquareWithMarker(square, currentPlayer);212 213  updateBoard(, currentPlayer);214 215  checkForWinner();216 217  switchPlayers(); 218 219  }220 221 }222 223  224 225 /*** create an X or O div and append it to the square ***/226 227 function fillSquareWithMarker(square, player) {228 229  var marker = document.createElement('div');230 231  /* set the class name on the new div to X-marker or O-marker, depending on the current player */232 233  marker.className = player + "-marker";234 235  square.appendChild(marker);236 237 }238 239  240 241 /*** update our array which tracks the state of the board, and write the current state to local storage ***/242 243 function updateBoard(index, marker) {244 245  board[index] = marker;246 247  248 249  /* HTML5 localStorage only allows storage of strings - convert our array to a string */250 251  var boardstring = JSON.stringify(board);252 253  254 255  /* store this string to localStorage, along with the last player who marked a square */256 257  localStorage.setItem('tic-tac-toe-board', boardstring); 258 259  localStorage.setItem('last-player', getCurrentPlayer());260 261 }262 263  264 265  266 267 /***********************************************************************************/268 269 /* checking for and declaring a winner, after a square has been marked with X or O */270 271 /***********************************************************************************/272 273 /* Our Tic Tac Toe board, an array:274 275  0 1 2276 277  3 4 5278 279  6 7 8280 281 */282 283 function declareWinner() {284 285  if (confirm("We have a winner! New game?")) {286 287  newGame();288 289  }290 291 }292 293  294 295 function weHaveAWinner(a, b, c) {296 297  if ((board[a] === board[b]) && (board[b] === board[c]) && (board[a] != "" || board[b] != "" || board[c] != "")) {298 299  setTimeout(declareWinner(), 100);300 301  return true;302 303  }304 305  else306 307  return false;308 309 }310 311  312 313 function checkForWinner() {314 315  /* check rows */316 317  var a = 0; var b = 1; var c = 2;318 319  while (c < board.length) {320 321  if (weHaveAWinner(a, b, c)) {322 323  return;324 325  }326 327  a+=3; b+=3; c+=3;328 329  }330 331  332 333  /* check columns */334 335  a = 0; b = 3; c = 6;336 337  while (c < board.length) {338 339  if (weHaveAWinner(a, b, c)) {340 341  return;342 343  }344 345  a+=1; b+=1; c+=1;346 347  }348 349  350 351  /* check diagonal right */352 353  if (weHaveAWinner(0, 4, 8)) {354 355  return;356 357  }358 359  /* check diagonal left */360 361  if (weHaveAWinner(2, 4, 6)) {362 363  return;364 365  }366 367  368 369  /* if there's no winner but the board is full, ask the user if they want to start a new game */370 371  if (!JSON.stringify(board).match(/,"",/)) {372 373  if (confirm("It's a draw. New game?")) {374 375  newGame();376 377  }378 379  }380 381 }382 383  384 385  386 387 /****************************************************************************************/388 389 /* utilities for getting the current player, switching players, and creating a new game */390 391 /****************************************************************************************/392 393 function getCurrentPlayer() {394 395  return document.querySelector(".current-player").id;396 397 }398 399  400 401 /* set the initial player, when starting a whole new game or restoring the game state when the page is revisited */402 403 function setInitialPlayer() {404 405  var playerX = document.getElementById("X");406 407  var playerO = document.getElementById("O");408 409  playerX.className = "";410 411  playerO.className = "";412 413  414 415  /* if there's no localStorage, or no last-player stored in localStorage, always set the first player to X by default */416 417  if (!window.localStorage || !localStorage.getItem('last-player')) {418 419  playerX.className = "current-player";420 421  return;422 423  } 424 425  426 427  var lastPlayer = localStorage.getItem('last-player'); 428 429  if (lastPlayer == 'X') {430 431  playerO.className = "current-player";432 433  }434 435  else {436 437  playerX.className = "current-player";438 439  }440 441 }442 443  444 445 function switchPlayers() {446 447  var playerX = document.getElementById("X");448 449  var playerO = document.getElementById("O");450 451  452 453  if (playerX.className.match(/current-player/)) {454 455  playerO.className = "current-player";456 457  playerX.className = "";458 459  }460 461  else {462 463  playerX.className = "current-player";464 465  playerO.className = "";466 467  }468 469 }470 471  472 473 function newGame() { 474 475  /* clear the currently stored game out of local storage */476 477  localStorage.removeItem('tic-tac-toe-board');478 479  localStorage.removeItem('last-player');480 481  482 483  /* create a new game */484 485  createBoard();486 487 }

Este ShareCode tiene versiones:
  1. Player X Player O ... (25/11/2020)
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